Technology Innovation Institute (TII) has joined the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) community as a full member. ETSI is an independent, not-for-profit, standardization organization in the field of information and communications and supports the development and testing of global technical standards for ICT-enabled systems, applications and services.
As a definitive body in driving ICT standardisation, ETSI counts more than 900+ organisations from 66 countries and five continents among its members. The ETSI membership will provide TII's researchers with an open and inclusive environment to support the development and testing of globally applicable standards for ICT-enabled systems, applications and services across all the current and future sectors of industry and society.
A preliminary meeting with the ETSI team offered TII an overview of selected technology trends under development. Our team was also briefed on how to register via the portal and within the specific research commissions/ sub-groups and work packages. TII teams are encouraged to get involved in research activities in their corresponding fields to influence evolving technological breakthroughs. They can now register at https://portal.etsi.org/home.aspx and obtain passwords. Once they secure the necessary credentials, they can identify the committee/group that best fits their areas of interest - and follow the research and innovative solutions proposed.
In addition, ETSI membership now enables TII’s scientists to participate directly in driving and shaping ICT standards. TII can:
• Contribute its own requirements and ensure they transition into the technical specifications of future developed standards,
• Enhance its competitiveness through facilitating the use and adoption of the latest standards
• Shape tomorrow’s technologies based on its innovative and advanced developed technologies
• Gain expertise in future valuable standard development.
Although it was initially founded to serve the needs of European ICT entities, ETSI standards are now considered a global benchmark and this affiliation is set to significantly enhance TII’s industry influence.