Stjepan Picek
Associate Professor at Radboud University
9th December 2021 - 4:00pm - 5:00pm (GST)
Title: | Deep Learning for Side-Channel Analysis |
Abstract: | In side-channel analysis (SCA), the attacker exploits weaknesses in the physical implementations of cryptographic algorithms. In the last decade, profiling SCA based on machine learning (and especially deep learning) proved to be very successful in breaking cryptographic implementations in various settings. Still, despite successful attacks, even in the presence of countermeasures, there are many open questions. A large part of the research concentrates on improving the performance of SCA. At the same time, little is done to understand them and, even more importantly, use that knowledge to design more secure implementations. In this talk, we will first discuss the best success stories on deep learning-based side-channel analysis, emphasizing the (lack of) need to pre-process the measurements and conduct detailed hyperparameter tuning. Afterward, we will concentrate on critical open questions and research directions that still need to explore. |
Bio: | Stjepan Picek is an associate professor at Radboud University, The Netherlands. His research interests are security/cryptography, machine learning, and evolutionary computation. Prior to the associate professor position, Stjepan was an assistant professor at TU Delft, and a postdoctoral researcher at MIT, USA and KU Leuven, Belgium. Stjepan finished his PhD in 2015 with a topic on cryptology and evolutionary computation techniques. Stjepan also has several years of experience working in industry and government. Up to now, Stjepan has given more than 20 invited talks at conferences and summer schools and published more than 100 refereed papers. He was a general co-chair for Eurocrypt 2020/2021, program committee member and reviewer for a number of conferences and journals, and a member of several professional societies. |