AIDRC Seminar Series - Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas

Sep 27, 2022
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Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas

Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas

University of Luxembourg


27th September 2022, 4:00pm - 5:00pm (GST)



ML-Assisted Algorithms for Non-Terrestrial Networks


Non-Terrestrial Networks is currently a trending research area motivated by technological advancements, private ventures and standardization activities. This talk will focus on the myths and realities about the 6G SatCom Renaissance, providing an overview of novel architectural paradigms. Subsequently, a series of concrete technical examples will be elaborated, where ML algorithms are applied in space applications. The first part will focus on “ML FOR Space”, which implies the deployment of ML algorithms on the Ground Segment, whereas the second will cover “ML IN Space”, which requires AI chipsets embedded on flying assets. The talk will conclude with a reflection on open challenges and technology roadmaps for the years to come.


Symeon Chatzinotas [S'06, M'09, SM'13] is Full Professor and Head of the SIGCOM Research Group at SnT, University of Luxembourg. He is coordinating the research activities on communications and networking across a group of 70 researchers, acting as a PI for more than 40 projects and main representative for 3GPP, ETSI, DVB. He is currently serving in the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology and the International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking. In the past, he has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Parma, Italy and was involved in numerous R&D projects for NCSR Demokritos, CERTH Hellas and CCSR, University of Surrey. He was the co-recipient of the 2014 IEEE Distinguished Contributions to Satellite Communications Award and Best Paper Awards at 5GWF, EURASIP JWCN, CROWNCOM, ICSSC. He has (co-)authored more than 600 technical papers in refereed international journals, conferences and scientific books.