Prof. Eduard Jorswieck
Technische Universitaet Braunschweig (TUBS), Germany
11th May 2022, 4:00pm – 5:00pm (GST)
Title: | Dependency Modelling in Wireless Networks |
Abstract: | Stochastic models of wireless fading channels, arrival processes, and mobility build the basis for the solid wireless system design. The impact of spectral, temporal, and spatial correlation on the achievable performance of single- and multi-user networks is well researched. The models in literature are mostly limited to linear dependencies and positive correlation. In this talk, we propose general dependency models based on copula theory which include both positive and negative dependencies. First, we motivate the models from practical observations in frequency selective and multiple antenna channels. Second, the performance range for outage capacities is completely characterized. Third, for modern ultra-high reliable wireless systems, the zero-outage capacity is considered and the dependency structures in peaceful and wiretapped channels, which achieve positive zero-outage capacities, are derived. Finally, the talk closes with conjectures and open questions for future works. |
Bio: | Eduard A. Jorswieck is managing director of the Institute of Communications Technology and the head of the Chair for Communications Systems and Full Professor at Technische Universitaet Braunschweig (TUBS), Brunswick, Germany. From 2008 until 2019, he was the head of the Chair of Communications Theory and Full Professor at Dresden University of Technology (TUD), Germany. Eduard's main research interests are in the broad area of communications. He has published more than 150 journal papers, 15 book chapters, 3 monographs, and some 300 conference papers on these topics. Dr. Jorswieck is IEEE Fellow. Since 2017, he has been serving as Editor-in-Chief of the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. Currently, he serves as Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications. In 2006, he co-received the IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award. |