Dr. Samson Lasaulce
18th April 2023, 2:00pm - 3:00pm (GST)
Title: | Communicating in the presence of goals |
Abstract: | In In this talk, I summarize several research works I did with my colleagues on the communication problem between two entities when each entity has a goal which is represented by an arbitrary function. This approach concerns goal-oriented communications, coordination in distributed networks (common goals), and strategic information transmissions (generally non-aligned goals). |
Bio: | Samson Lasaulce is a CNRS Director of Research with CRAN at Nancy (joint lab between CNRS and University of Lorraine). He has been the holder of the RTE Chair on the "Digital Transformation of Electricity Networks". He has also been a part-time professor with the Department of Physics at École Polytechnique. Before joining CNRS he has been working for five years in private R&D companies (Motorola Labs and Orange Labs). His current research interests lie in distributed networks with a focus on game theory, optimal control, distributed optimization, learning for communication networks, energy networks, social networks, and now on the decarbonization problem. Dr Lasaulce has been serving as an editor for several international journals such as the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. He has organized many scientific events and more than ten of them as a general chair. He is the co-author of more than 200 publications, including a dozen of patents and several books such as "Game Theory and Learning for Wireless Networks: Fundamentals and Applications". Dr Lasaulce is also the recipient of several awards such as the Blondel Medal award from the SEE French society. |