Dr. Arsenia (Ersi) Chorti
École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA), France
7th June 2022, 4pm – 5pm (GST)
Title: | A Roadmap for Incorporating Physical Layer Security in 6G: Why It Is Needed and How We Will Do It |
Abstract: | Quality of security (QoSec) is envisioned as a flexible framework for future networks with highly diverse non-functional requirements (delays, energy consumption, massive connectivity / scalability, computational power, etc.). In parallel, the integration of communications and sensing along with embedded artificial intelligence can provide the foundations for building autonomous and adaptive security protocols. In this talk, we will discuss how physical layer security (PLS), being naturally adaptive, fits in the QoSec framework; we will further propose a comprehensive roadmap for its incorporation in 6G, by leveraging adaptation of the transmission parameters to underlying security assumptions. In this framework, we will present smart pre-processing schemes for RF fingerprinting and secret key generation (SKG) focusing on disentangling deterministic from random components in both synthetic and real channel state information (CSI) vectors. Finally, we will present a novel approach for distributed anomaly detection in large scale Internet of Things (IoT) systems, leveraging self-monitoring of a device’s hardware (e.g., memory usage, time to Tx-Rx). Through experiments in software defined wireless sensor networks, we will discuss the potential advantages of such distributed, PHY based, anomaly detection solutions. |
Bio: | Arsenia (Ersi) Chorti is a Professor at the École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA), Joint Head of the Information, Communications and Imaging (ICI) Group of the ETIS Lab UMR 8051 and a Visiting Scholar at Princeton and Essex Universities. Her research spans the areas of wireless communications and wireless systems security for 5G and 6G, with a particular focus on physical layer security. Current research topics include: context aware security, multi-factor authentication protocols, 5G / 6G and IoT, anomaly detection, machine learning for communications, new multiple access techniques and scheduling. She is a Senior IEEE Member, member of the IEEE INGR on Security and of the IEEE P1951.1 standardization workgroup (Smart Cities), member of the Competitive Pole Systematic and of the PhD Thesis GdR ISIS Award Committee in France. Since October 2021 she is chairing the IEEE Focus Group on Physical Layer Security. |