AIDRC Seminar Series - Davide Balzarotti

Feb 01, 2022
AIDRC Seminar Series - Davide Balzarotti

Davide Balzarotti

Full Professor, EURECOM

15th February 2022 - 4:00pm - 5:00pm (GST)


Malware - Research Directions and Open Problems


Researchers have been fighting malware, in its different forms, for over three decades. In this talk we will discuss some of main challenges in the area, and we will look at their evolution over the years. I will focus on the importance of data-driven research, on the role of big-data and machine learning, and I will investigate how large malware datasets could potentially help us to better understand and protect against this threat. The talk will also review some of our current work in the field and present the results of several studies we recently performed to better understand the malware ecosystem.


Davide Balzarotti is a full Professor and head of the Digital Security department at EURECOM. He received his Ph.D. from Politecnico di Milano in2006 and his research interests include most aspects of system security and in particular the areas of binary and malware analysis, reverse engineering, embedded system security, computer forensics, and web security. Davide authored more than 100 publications in leading conferences and journals. He has been the Program Chair ACSAC 2017, RAID 2012, and Eurosec 2014. In 2017 Davide received an ERC Consolidator Grant for his research in the analysis of compromised systems. Davide is also member of the "Order of the Overflow" team that organizes the DEF CON CTF competition.