Quantum Physics

Fundamental research and technology are intertwined: Basic research provides new fundamental concepts to be harnessed in new devices and technological instruments. At the same time,  technological progress allows us to study fundamental aspects of Nature with  more and more precision.  This way, fundamental research and technology, in symbiotic relation, have acted as the  primum mobile for epochal changes in human history. The 18th century industrial revolution, or  more recently, the quantum revolution culminating in the current ‘digital era’ with electronics, computers, internet, laser technologies shows how science and technology can be disrupting.

Quantum Physics

Today, we are in the middle of a second quantum revolution. Its core is Quantum Technology. For Quantum Technology, the boundary between basic and applied research is particularly blurred. On the one hand, interesting quantum devices for applications of practical value in this discipline must be constructed of physical platforms characterized by pronounced quantum effects. On the other hand, because of the specific operating conditions in which it needs to work, quantum matter designed for quantum technology may display new fundamental and unexpected physical features.

In the Quantum Physics group, we investigate  quantum matter for quantum technology. We study quantum correlations and entanglement in many-body theory, with specific applications to quantum gases spatially confined in low-dimensional structures, atomtronics, mesoscopic networks, and superconducting circuits. In close contact with experiments, we conceive quantum devices and sensors characterized by  enhanced control and flexibility of their operating conditions. We study quantum information transfer and coherent/incoherent quantum transport in quantum networks. We engineer new schemes of quantum simulators exploiting quantum coherence and entanglement of the quantum matter. At the same time, we investigate fundamental aspects of quantum phases of matter made of interacting quantum many-particle systems.

Open PhD and postdoctoral positions

The Quantum Physics group is seeking well-qualified, highly motivated, and dynamic young scientists (postdocs) as well as PhD students. While the research is theoretical, contact with experiments may take place. Please reach out to Luigi.Amico@tii.ae to learn more.