Our vision for Secure autonomous computing is to enable automatic control with Cloud based software systems of fleet of Edge devices which can themselves be autonomous (e.g., Drones) where the fleet is an entity. The communication is end-to-end protected between the fleet and the Cloud, while enabling resilience in software and hardware against malware and tampering respectively. The fleet is updated over the air for mission and maintenance updates. Network connectivity is made more robust using a secure mesh network.
Our partners will join us to achieve this vision by examining the vulnerabilities in hardware, software and communication of the entire autonomous system, and propose new solutions to over come these issues.

Multiple projects which focus on enhancing platform and infrastructure integrity, hardening physical layer security and hardening routing protocols.

Three-year research project on Cybersecurity for UAS in Urban Environment which focuses on providing resilience against cyberattacks originating from ground-based transmitters.

Two three-year research projects: "D3: Debloating, Dialecting and Diversification for Attack Resilient Software with Real-time Constraints" which demonstrates techniques to enhance the security of Cyber-physical and autonomous systems software and platforms, iand "Enhancing Security in Software Systems" (Hypervisor, Android, Linux Kernel).

Three-year research project ARROWSMITH – Living (Securely) on the Edge which focuses on reducing an attacker’s ability to infiltrate, steal and manipulate data as well as provide resilience for the infrastructure.

Three-year research project with collaboration with Khalifa University on Prevention and detection of poisoning and adversarial attacks of Machine Learning Models.

Three-year research project on AI-based Secure Autonomous Navigation on Nano-UAVs which focuses on lack of security, autonomy, and resilience.

Three-year research project with collaboration with Khalifa University, McMaster University, Waterloo University, and University of Minho on the research project "RISC-V-based Secure Flight Computer System" which aims to develop an open RISC-V-based SoC architecture and software stack for adoption on secure application processors for drone flight computer applications.

Three-year research project on R3 swarms: Robust, Resilient, and Reconfigurable Swarms, which brings together the latest advances in the ultrawide band (UWB)-based wireless connectivity and localization, collaborative autonomy and localization, and distributed perception.

Three-year research project - SPiDR: Secure, Performant, Dependable, and Resilient Wireless Mesh Networks brings together the latest advances in wireless networking, localization, benchmarking, collaborative awareness, and machine learning, towards the development of secure, resilient, and highly-performant wireless mesh networks.

Three-year research project with University of New South Wales on the research project " Secure, High-Performance Device Virtualisation for seL4" which aims to develop a device virtualisation framework for the seL4 microkernel running as a hypervisor..
Our Visiting Scholars Programme provides valuable opportunities for distinguished researchers. Our fellows conduct research on specialised topics, with options for both short-term and long-term stays. They collaborate with our experts, and present talks and conduct workshops in their areas of expertise and research.
We provide exceptional opportunities for post-graduate students to spend two to three years working with our main principal investigators. During this time, they also can collaborate with local and international academic institutions.
In addition, we offer a number of year-long internship opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students.
Other graduate opportunities include dual-degree programmes we are developing between universities in the UAE and academic institutions in Europe.
SSRC annually hosts the Secure Systems Summit in Abu Dhabi and also partners with other national and internal conferences and workshops. The Secure Systems Summit provides an opportunity for global researchers to discuss and explore the latest innovations and advances in the field.