Silvère Bonnabel
Centre for Robotics, Mines Paris - PSL, Paris, France
11th May 2023 - 4:00pm - 5:00pm (GST)
Title: | Geometric Kalman filtering for navigation and robotics |
Abstract: | Statistical filtering is a desirable mathematical framework for the estimation of the internal state of a dynamical system in the light of various sensors’ measurements. Since the advent of the space age, it has played a pivotal role in guidance and navigation problems in aeronautics and robotics. Its workhorse, the Kalman filter, deeply builds upon the specificity of linear systems. As a result, key theoretical properties are lost in nonlinear contexts, in particular when dealing with problems related to the navigation of autonomous vehicles. However, it turns out that many such estimation problems bear a structure akin to linear systems, after a proper embedding of the state space into a matrix Lie group has been found, allowing for strong mathematical guarantees. After summarizing the Kalman filter and a brief history of its introduction in aerospace engineering, we will present our theory and the novel Kalman filter it has given rise to. We will discuss its applications to inertial navigation - where it has led to an industrial product - as well as its application to bipedal robotics. We will finally mention recent work where we used machine learning to tune the parameters of the proposed Kalman filter. |
Bio: | Silvère Bonnabel is Professor at Mines Paris - PSL. He received the engineering degree in applied mathematics and the Ph.D. degree in mathematics and control from Mines ParisTech in 2004 and 2007, respectively, and the Habilitation in mathematics from Paris 6 - Sorbonne in 2014. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Liège, Belgium, in 2008, and was permanently hired at Mines ParisTech in 2009. He was an Invited Fellow at the University of Cambridge, UK, in 2017 and in the SIERRA team at INRIA Paris in 2022. His primary research interests revolve around systems and control, robotics, and machine learning. He serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Control Systems Magazine. He is a recipient of various awards, including the 2021 European Control Award and the French Academy of Siences' Prix Espoir IMT-Academie des sciences 2022. |