
Prof. Dr. Rafael Rothganger De Paiva

Senior Researcher
Quantum Research Center

Before joining the Technology Innovation Institute, Prof. Dr. Rafael Rothganger de Paiva spent six years as a Professor at the Federal University of ABC, where he focused on developing an ion trap for quantum information processing. He continues to serve as a faculty member at the university. His career has been driven by a profound interest in atomic physics, quantum phenomena, and the development of new hardware. Prof. Dr. Rafael Rothganger de Paiva earned his PhD in Physics in 2013 from the University of Sao Paulo (USP), specializing in cold atoms under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Vanderlei S. Bagnato. Prior to his doctoral work, he completed his Master's degree at USP within the same group. Following his PhD, Prof. Dr. Rafael Rothganger de Paiva conducted postdoctoral research at Innsbruck University until late 2014, focusing on trapped ions under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Rainer Blatt. This experience laid the foundation for his subsequent contributions to the field. In 2017, Prof. Dr. Rafael Rothganger de Paiva assumed a Professorship at UFABC, where he continued his research in trapped ions and quantum optics. In 2019, he pursued a postdoctoral position with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hofferberth, investigating Rydberg atoms. Prof. Dr. Rafael Rothganger de Paiva joined the Technology Innovation Institute in late 2023, bringing his expertise to contribute to ongoing advancements on quantum sensing.